my story is simple…

From a career in the public sector, then to being a stay-at-home mama, and after that, teaching so many Zumba classes, I needed something to fulfill another part of my creative soul…. and then I discovered calligraphy and watercolor painting.

I started my calligraphy journey in 2016 after taking an online brush calligraphy class. A few months later, I got my first set of watercolor paints & brushes and painted my first floral piece. For so many years, I did both as a hobby and just created for myself, friends and family. Years later, I just went for it and opened my small calligraphy art business. I combine my love of calligraphy and art through live event artistry (calligraphy & engraving), in-studio commissions, teaching beginner calligraphy classes, selling my illustrations and products with my surface designs in my POD shops.

My goals are not only to fulfill my own creative soul, but to also inspire others to fulfill theirs too through calligraphy & art no matter what stage in life they find themselves in. Let me know if you have a quick question, are interested in a live event or workshop, or need a quote on a special project! I would love to hear from you!